Inside a murky world
Body of Lies' stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, Mark Strong and Ali Suliman. Roger (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a CIA agent placed in the Middle East and Ed (Russell Crowe) is his man at Langley. Roger works with Hani Salaam (Mark Strong), Jordan's head of security who is clear that he does not want to be lied to.
The Americans are investigating a cleric who is leading a group placing bombs in Europe.
Roger and Ed come up with a plan to catch the cleric.
Will they succeed? Watch 'Body of Lies' on Movies Now at 9 pm on September 1 to find out.
Body of Lies' stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, Mark Strong and Ali Suliman. Roger (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a CIA agent placed in the Middle East and Ed (Russell Crowe) is his man at Langley. Roger works with Hani Salaam (Mark Strong), Jordan's head of security who is clear that he does not want to be lied to.
The Americans are investigating a cleric who is leading a group placing bombs in Europe.
Roger and Ed come up with a plan to catch the cleric.
Will they succeed? Watch 'Body of Lies' on Movies Now at 9 pm on September 1 to find out.