There are ways to ensure your eyes stay healthy till you turn 40, suggests Dr Sujay Dangi
From birth to the age of 40, there are various phases in the development of the eye, and the organ is constantly undergoing growing till the age of 20. Typically, a newborn has a '[+]' number (Hypermetropia) associated with its eye, due to the small size of the eye ball. With time, the eye ball grows in shape and size, as a result of which the '(+)' number gradually shifts to zero power by the age of five-six years. This 'zero' power is maintained by the eye in spite of the development which happens in the growing years and maintained till the age of 40. This refractive condition of the eye is called as Emmetropia (normal eye). However, in cases where the unusual development of the eye continues as the child grows, it may lead to a '(-)' number (shortsightedness or myopia). Factors which lead to myopia are primarily hereditary and may also occur due to the fluctuations and modifications in modern-day lifestyle.
At the age of 40, the crystalline lens in the eye ball undergoes certain physiological changes, due to which the eye is unable to read fine prints at a near distance (presbyopia). This leads to a natural addition of [+] numbers as we age.
Reasons for eye disorders and their prevention
Lifestyle and hygiene factors: Unlike the last 2-3 generations, who were exposed to the outdoors, we now spend more time indoors, in cramped office spaces, with long working hours, in front of computers and gadgets. As a result of this, the eyes are constantly focused over the fine print for longer durations of time, and this could evolve to become myopic or short-sighted. Straining of the eyes due to overuse of computers is a common phenomenon these days, leading to a phenomenon known as 'Computer Vision Syndrome'. Prolonged use of a computer without rest and protection forces the eye to blink less, leading to less tear circulation and redness in the eyes.
So while using computers, it is important that one uses protective eye wear with EMI-coating which reduces the level of strain. It is advised to take a break every two hours to look and focus on a far away object (about 10-20 feet away from where you are seated).
Blinking exercises are also an alternative option. There are lubricating drops available over-the-counter that can be used as artificial tears. It is, however, advisable to check with an eye-care practitioner before using them.
Make sure that your seating posture, body posture and the brightness of the computer screen is such that the eyes don't get strained. Proper illumination is necessary for the wellbeing of the eye.
Keeping our eyes clean is also very important. There is a greater chance of the eyes getting exposed to dirt and pollution today. Hence, it is important that one washes the eyes with clean, cold water three-four times a day. This prevents chances of infection or transmission of infection. Also, some eye disorders are caused due to exposure to harmful UV- rays from sunlight. Extensive exposure to UV rays may lead to cataract and other disorders. So it is recommended that one wears proper UV-protected shades when you step outdoors. Also it is important to use high-quality lenses and frames for spectacle and shades.
It is highly recommended that every year, one should go for an eye check-up even if your eyes are well. This is because we normally see with both our eyes and if either of the eye is a weak performer, it goes unnoticed and can only be detected during an eye check-up. One might also not be able to assess whether he/she has good eyesight on their own. A routine eye check-up will not only help in detecting refractive errors but also help in detecting certain asymptomatic sight threatening diseases like glaucoma.
Cosmetics like kaajal, mascara, etc should be water-based and should be non-allergic. It is recommended that women use make-up sparingly and with care. Good care should be taken to wash away the cosmetics at the end of the day so that no residues are left behind in and around the eye. Care should be taken to dispose of the cosmetics within the prescribed usage time.
Proper sleep and resting of eyes is necessary for the comfort of the eyes. It is recommended that one gets a minimum of six-eight hours of rest every day.
Nutrition for the eyes
Unlike now, the earlier generations used to live a healthy lifestyle — they enjoyed a balanced diet, consumed greens, the quality of food was better and the content was varied. There was no dependency on packaged food that was stale or junk food without any nutritional value.
It is suggested that one maintains a balanced diet consisting of green and yellow vegetables like spinach, coriander, papaya, carrot as these contain beta-carotene, Vitamin-A (which helps maintain good eye health). As an alternate to green veggies, there are supplements that are available at pharmacies. These contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals in optimal amounts.
(The contributor is chief optometrist at Titan Eye Plus.)