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The race to the finish

American expats in the City feel it's a close contest between Obama and Romney

Super storm 'Sandy' may have blown over but the political storm, in the wake of the USelections, continues to brew. The American expats in the City, with whom Metrolife spoke, have exercised their franchise through absentee ballot. But do they expect the winds of change?

Bob Massa, CEO, Techndu Internet Services Private Ltd, says, "Obama will carry the day and win the election for a second term because historically, more incumbents win than challengers. That may be due to nothing more than a natural human aversion to change."
"The world can see that Obama came four years ago with all the gusto of a
college-aged, draft-dodging hippie. He is now seasoned with the experience of shouldering an incredible responsibility. His grey hair tells me he takes that responsibility very seriously. I think a man trying to do the right things, is something the world needs and I think 51 per cent of the populace and the electoral college would feel the same," he adds.

The contest, meanwhile, has all the makings of a thriller. Calling it a 'pretty close contest', Valerie Wagoner, CEO, ZipDial, talks about the changes she would like the new administration to bring in. "I think job creation is important on a long-term basis — the right kind of jobs, economic opportunities, focussing on education and technology. Also, how America treats immigration."

The expats are concerned as much about jobs as about healthcare and education.
But who is going to ensure that? "Historically and morally, Republicans have been ideal," says Valerie.

While the results could go either way, some are not going to miss the results as and when they come. Elizabeth Bowden-David says, "The polls tell us that it is a close race. My family's restaurant, Habanero in Indiranagar will open at 7 am on Wednesday so that guests can watch the results come in."

Elizabeth Chapman, meanwhile, finds it difficult to tell who will win. "I see more
Republicans 'crossing the aisle' and endorsing Obama than the other way around. So, I am cautiously optimistic that Obama will carry a second term," she says.

She adds, "Obama inherited a mess, saved the US auto industry, stabilised the job
market, and the jobs reports are now showing gains. There is a toe-hold for the next President."

"I am from Massachusetts. Romney was my Governor for four years. Job creation was not his forte. He is madly unpopular in Massachusetts," she informs.

The political debates of the candidates may have given much room for discussion. But there are not many who take the debates seriously. Bob says, "It is the same
thing as I've thought about every political debate since Kennedy versus Nixon. It's more about make-up, fashion and posture than about making the world a better place. Judging from the content and presentation of the debates, I think Obama would make a better rap singer than Romney."

The expats, however, aren't missing their country at the moment. "I am just busy at work. I don't have time to miss anything," laughs Valerie.

For Bob, the activity seems to be right here. "Indian politics provides plenty of entertainment," he adds.

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