Wanting to attain inner peace is not a short-term fad that will fade away, assures Trisha Bhattacharya
With materialism on the rise, work and domestic stress have been following a similar trajectory. Constantly weaving professional, family, and other social responsibilities together, can make an individual crave for some time alone to unwind. Yet, tension travels alongside, in denouement. Sometimes, this tension usurps peace, leading to a lot of unexpected health and other issues.
There is a limit to the stress an individual can take. We, as human beings, are meant to live a balanced and healthy life, not one that's fraught with tension. But can we completely do without rising expenses and some of the stressful ways of the world? A need to acquire more and more has set in in our minds — be it with promotions, money, status or other luxuries. Homemakers are plagued by other stressful factors. This acquirement process, when in excess, causes something known as "pile-it-on" tension.
The fact remains that every individual is unique. People have different levels of sensitivities, and therefore, one must respect this and live accordingly.
Get friendly with meditation. Think of things which delight you. Not those which sweep in headaches. Even then, tension still has a way of making an appearance due to a variety of reasons. How can you be rid of this tension, permanently? For that, you need to take care of the following four pillars of your inner being — the intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical. How can you take care of all four? The answer lies in meditation. Gradually befriend it.
What is meditation?
Meditation is synonymous with concentration and yoga, and yoga, specifically, is a spiritual, mental and physical discipline, which helps you emotionally as well. Physical yoga is meditation too, because one has to concentrate on developing physical health by way of yogic postures. In most forms of yoga, you are tranquil, because your mind is not thinking of the problems in life but is centred.
Meditation or yoga centres exist in many cities all across the world and individuals, from all parts of society, frequently visit them. This is a convenient option for those who can't practise yoga and meditate at home. But, when people learn yoga and meditation, why is there still stress? Here's why:
A retreat at a centre for a few days or weeks will not rid you of your tension forever. You need to make meditation a part of your daily routine. You need to start walking away from tension and towards meditation. Waves of tension recede for good only when you remove yourself from them and move toward meditation.
This journey can be initiated at home by reading books on meditation and yoga, with the aim of turning what you read and learn from a book(s) into practice in your daily life. Some books you can order online are Be Tension Free by Shri Shri Kinkar Vitthal Ramanuja and books on meditation by foreign authors like Dr Wayne W Dyer and Eckhart Tolle. There are other good titles you can pick up from bookstores or purchase online. Research and choose well.
Once you understand the theoretical aspects of what meditation has to offer and why you may need it, pay attention to certain features that explain how you can begin yoga or meditation at home, attend special classes on meditation and yoga, because here you can personally meet experts/spiritual teachers, who will guide you effectively.
Meditation can be performed in several ways. So select a process which suits you and practise it regularly. Gradually, with patience and perseverance, it will become a significant layer of the fabric of your life. Your overall health and energy will improve as a result.
Is meditation/yoga a fad which will fade? The beautiful association between meditation and a stress-free existence make the practice of daily meditation indispensable. Tension assails almost everyone but it can be reduced to a considerable extent and sometimes completely by practising meditation and yoga. Your success here depends on your own regularity and devotion.
Meditation has multiple benefits. It is not a short-term fad which will fade, as inner beauty is eventually more important than outer beauty, and meditation can help you balance the two. It should therefore, be a lifelong routine.