Indo-Canadian porn star Sunny Leone has rubbished reports that she will be doing an item song in Anil Sharma's Singh Saheb The Great. When asked about whether there's any truth o these claims, she says, "No. Right now, I am only focussing on Ragini MMS 2 and also a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) ad."
Sunny, who made her Bollywood debut with Jism 2 in 2012, says her next film — Ragini MMS 2 — will be scarier than one can imagine. "You guys are going to be really scared. I will be jumping out of the screen at you. What happens in this movie is very, very scary. It will be more than scary," Sunny insists.
Directed by Bhushan Patel, Ragini MMS 2 is a sequel to the 2011 horror-thriller Ragini MMS.
Sunny has not started shooting for the film yet, though. "Actually, I have not quite started working with (producer) Ekta Kapoor yet, but everything so far has been absolutely amazing. The songs in this movie, the introduction and everything about it is so amazing," she smiles.
Sunny, who made her Bollywood debut with Jism 2 in 2012, says her next film — Ragini MMS 2 — will be scarier than one can imagine. "You guys are going to be really scared. I will be jumping out of the screen at you. What happens in this movie is very, very scary. It will be more than scary," Sunny insists.
Directed by Bhushan Patel, Ragini MMS 2 is a sequel to the 2011 horror-thriller Ragini MMS.
Sunny has not started shooting for the film yet, though. "Actually, I have not quite started working with (producer) Ekta Kapoor yet, but everything so far has been absolutely amazing. The songs in this movie, the introduction and everything about it is so amazing," she smiles.