Taken over by animal instincts
The Animal' is about a small, wimpy guy named Marvin, who always wanted to be a cop but did not have what is required to fulfill his lifelong dream. A deranged scientist
secretly uses animal organs to restructure his body organs, after Marvin is critically injured in a car accident.
Marvin feels energised and powerful; his weakness is replaced by strength and he achieves instant fame as a super cop. For Marvin, life is going great with his new found hero status — but soon, he discovers that his animal instincts have started taking over his body at all the wrong times.
Marvin tries his level best to behave civilised; he struggles to be the perfect gentleman with his new love, Rianna. In his attempts a series of hilarious situations follow that would drive any animal crazy.
The movie stars Rob Schneider, Colleen Haskell, John C. McGinley, Ed Asner and Michael Caton. Catch the movie on HBO at 7.25 pm on January 7.
In each other's bodies
Watch 'It's a Boy Girl Thing' on WBat 11.45 pm on January 7. Woody (Kevin Zegers) and Nell (Samaire Armstrong) have always been next door neighbours, but are as different as chalk and cheese. The two go on a trip to the local museum and have a run in with the Mayan god of sorcery. The next morning, they wake up with their souls exchanged — living in each other's bodies. Watch the film take a hilarious turn while the neighbours learn lessons for life.
All the wrong methods
Violent Cop' stars Takeshi Kitano, Maiko Kawakami, Makoto Ashikawa, Shiro Sano, Sei Hiraizumi and Mikiko Otonashi.
Detective Azuma is a policeman, who uses violence and unethical methods to get quick results. Investigating a series of drug-related murders, Azuma finds out that his colleague Iwaki — who is also a friend — is supplying drugs while working within the police force.
Iwaki is murdered and Azuma's sister is kidnapped. Azuma breaks all rules to deal with the drug dealers in his own way. Watch the movie on
UTV World Movies at 11.08 pm on January 7.
(tv show timings are subject to change)