Two km from Srirangapatna and to the east of this historic place is a quiet town called Ganjam, which takes its name from the Persian 'Ganj-i-am' meaning 'granary of the world'.
Originally a prosperous 'shahar' (city) during the reign of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan, Ganjam is now, however, better known for its most visited Gumbuz, the famous Nimishamba temple and for its good old church which is an important landmark of this historic town. The Immaculate Conception Church (Abbe Dubois Church) was established at Ganjam 200 years ago by a French missionary, Jean Antoine Dubois, who is said to have been living here, and doing community service for about 30 years.
As you enter the peaceful Abbe Dubois church, an eye-catching (about 15-ft high) bell tower greets you at the entrance of the holy church, dedicated to Mother Mary, also worshipped as 'Amoldbhava Mathe'. Adjacent to the bell tower is a small memorial structure (house) which is believed to be the hermitage of the Padri Abbe Dubois who also founded a school for the children of Ganjam village.
The school established by Abbe Dubois is at the rear side of the Church. It is said to be Ganjam's oldest school which has long been providing education to the children from needy families of surrounding villages. The church apart, there are also beautiful river spots, Sangama and Gosai Ghat here.
Originally a prosperous 'shahar' (city) during the reign of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan, Ganjam is now, however, better known for its most visited Gumbuz, the famous Nimishamba temple and for its good old church which is an important landmark of this historic town. The Immaculate Conception Church (Abbe Dubois Church) was established at Ganjam 200 years ago by a French missionary, Jean Antoine Dubois, who is said to have been living here, and doing community service for about 30 years.
As you enter the peaceful Abbe Dubois church, an eye-catching (about 15-ft high) bell tower greets you at the entrance of the holy church, dedicated to Mother Mary, also worshipped as 'Amoldbhava Mathe'. Adjacent to the bell tower is a small memorial structure (house) which is believed to be the hermitage of the Padri Abbe Dubois who also founded a school for the children of Ganjam village.
The school established by Abbe Dubois is at the rear side of the Church. It is said to be Ganjam's oldest school which has long been providing education to the children from needy families of surrounding villages. The church apart, there are also beautiful river spots, Sangama and Gosai Ghat here.