Contrary to what your friends may advise, it does matter what marks you score in college. Mala Ashok offers suggestions on staying on top, even as you enjoy all the freedoms of college life
You've worked really hard in Class X and Class XII, or as you put it more colourfully, you have busted your rear end! You were coaxed, cajoled, nagged, and threatened with dire consequences if you "didn't get into a good college." You have the prestigious admission, now can you sit back and relax?
Tempting as it may be to say "yes," and contrary to what your friends may advise, it does matter what marks you get in college. The good news is that in getting here you have acquired a very important skill and that is 'good study habits.' Thus, keeping your marks up, while obtaining that all important qualification, will be that much easier.
Indeed, regardless of whether you are a day scholar or a hostel resident, there are some new pastimes which open up due to the freedom that you are now afforded. Yes, the party and club scene has opened up but there is no reason why enjoyment and studying should be mutually exclusive.
Ideally, review all the course material covered during a week that very same week when it is still fresh in your memory. This way you will spend less time mastering it. Ensure you do this studying and any other term papers, and assignments on the weekdays. This will leave you free to party on the weekend. Remember though that weekends constitute Fridays and Saturdays. Sunday should be devoted to getting your circadian clock back on track so that you are not nodding away sleepily in class the following week.
This will ensure that you can keep your marks up and yes, marks are still important; whether you are going in for Post Graduate studies or seeking employment, it's a jungle out there in terms of competition. Other things being equal, a student with better marks will beat a student with lower marks — yes in college too.
Another important aspect of success in College is qualifying for scholarships. There are several scholarships which are based on merit and also just being eligible for a scholarship makes your candidature more appealing at the next level.
Now-a-days foreign study is a big part of education and the only criterion available to foreign universities is your marks, at least in the initial filtering out stage. Don't change yourself because you want to hang out with your friends (who may not be as serious as you about further goals.)
A difference between great marks and just-so marks may be the difference between qualifying for a foreign scholarship and not qualifying, which could in turn mean that you cannot even apply to the foreign college since the cost is prohibitive.
Yes, the Class XII exam is the gateway to your future life and career but it certainly matters what marks you get in college too so make sure you make your mark there! All the best!