The bharatanatyam dance recital by Srinivasan R, at the 'Every Friday Cultural Evening Programme' held at the Yavanika Hall, was a fine display of nritya and abhinaya. The graceful performance by the young artiste was a treat to the audience and drew in a good number of people from all age groups.The show started with a five-minute solo of Ganapati vandana, which was recited
by the music team of the dancer. A heady start to the show, it set the mood for the evening. The flute and mridangam jugalbandi was noteworthy.
It was followed by a flute solo and a Ganesh vanadana — mahadeva sutta set in
raga nada on adi talam. The age-old tradition of paying obeisance to the artistes
accompanying the performer, the audience as well as the almighty before
the show commenced, was followed by Srinivasan.
The show was structured well and kept the audience glued to their seats. Not only did it have a lot of variety; the quality of the musicians was very high and the items were kept crisp and short so that monotony did not set in.
It was interesting to see youngsters enjoy the show and applaud the artiste every now and then. The pushpanjali was followed by an alaripu and omkaradi set in ektaal. This item was beautifully choreographed and was coupled with some great vocals.
"It was a unique performance and the best part was that all the items started with a flute rendition which was very enjoyable. The sancer is very talented, without a doubt, and as a regular visitor of the cultural evening, I feel that the crowd is good today," says Ganapathy K, who had come to the show.
The varna, dev adi dev was the next item and this was perhaps the icing on the cake. It started with slow jatis, where the dancer showed his skills of nritya. Soon, it became medium-paced and went on to become very fast. A detailed session of jatis
continued for about ten minutes and the dancer matched it with equal amount of enthusiasm. It was concluded by Srinivasan with a beautiful show of various kinds of bhavas — like hasya, raudra, peace, disgust, surprise, fright, strength etc.
"I loved the part where he showed different kinds of bhavas. The way he flipped his expressions from one to the other was praiseworthy and I enjoyed it," says Kirti, a young member of the audience.