It's never been easier to make an impact in the virtual world. With thousands of blogs mushrooming on the internet every day — and most of them garnering a huge following soon after — opinions and ideas are flowing thick and fast across computer screens.
Whether it's to do with fashionistas prescribing the perfect attire for each season, a culinary enthusiast sharing some of his latest recipes or simply a diatribe on a current affair, there's no denying the immense potential a blog has to communicate with a large group of people.
Metrolife speaks to a few bloggers and followers to find out how they use this medium.
Sukanya, a student of Mount Carmel College, points out that blogs have become popular like never before.
"There are lots of people who blog and follow blogs because it's a great medium to communicate. Someone can post a blog and within minutes, people across the world can read it — it's a great platform," she says.
She adds that there are many people who use their blogs to channelise a particular passion.
"For instance, cooking enthusiasts blog about the recipes they're trying. It can be really useful for them — for instance, I knew a fashion design student who started a blog on new trends in terms of clothes. It became so popular and got so many followers thatlater, she actually got admission to a really good institute solely based on the blog," she
Aqseer, a law student, is a sporadic blogger who takes to the internet to comment on what she witnessed around her.
"I didn't want to write any personal stuff, so I focussed on things that got me angry — it's somewhat like a social commentary. I talk about a lot of gender issues and sexual harassment; basically, things that I see around me which anger me.
I think it takes a while to build up an audience for a blog, so my purpose
was primarily to vent — but if people like it, it's simply an added bonus," she observes.
Her mother, on the other hand, writes a blog for an entirely different purpose.
"My mother wants to build a profile as a writer, so she's a very proactive blogger.
She discusses stuff that happens to us as a family, and then
extrapolates and adds a bit of news.
It's a good way to break into any form of organised writing, besides which it gives her practice," explains Aqseer.
Another popular breed of blog is the kind which comments on current affairs and happenings.
Tulika, a student of Christ Junior College, highlights the fact that such blogs can
be very effective — especially when they're posted by celebrities. "Celebrities have huge followings. So when they pick up current topics — like the petrol hike or the IPL — it becomes a great forum for interaction.
Many people read their blogs and give weightage to what they say," she concludes.