Every month, Living carries a column on beauty tips by our aromatherapist, Blossom Kochhar. Send in your queries to dhliving @gmail.com.
Fasts are a part of Indian religious life. The day-long fast often brings health problems, such as low blood sugar, acidity, vomiting and headache.
Therefore, it is important to take precautions while you fast, in order to stay healthy and energetic the whole day.
Here are a few tips to eat right, so that you do not feel weak or restless throughout the day when you are on your fast.
*Try to take a light breakfast such as fresh fruits/dry fruits in the morning
*Take curd or cottage cheese and drink lukewarm water
*Avoid sweets and sugary foods in the morning
*Fast according to your comfort levels, like eating only fruits or drinking only water etc.
*Avoid fasting during pregnancy
*Spend time with your friends and family to keep yourself occupied and relaxed
*Avoid dehydration. Take 2-4 glasses of liquid (juice) before you sleep
*Stay away from spicy and oily food, when you break the fast
*Do not take tea or coffee instantly after breaking your fast.
*Do not fast if you are anemic or are on any sort of medication
Now, let's look at some body care tips you can use, whether you're fasting or not.
For dry skin: Take ½ cup oats + 2 tablespoons honey + 2 tablespoons yoghurt + 1 tablespoon mixture of ground almonds + few drops of sandalwood essential oil. Mix them well and make a paste. Apply to the skin and leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse it off.
For oily skin: Take ½ a cup of tomato juice +1 teaspoon starch + ½ teaspoon olive oil + a few drops of tea tree oil. Mix them well. Apply to the skin. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
Normal skin: Take 1 teaspoon curd + ½ teaspoon olive oil + ½ teaspoon parsley juice + a few drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix them well and apply to the skin. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse it off.
Skin lightening recipes: Take 2 tablespoons honey + 2 tablespoons lemon juice + a few drops of lavender oil. Mix them well and apply on the skin. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
For neck and underarms:Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice + 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice + a pinch of turmeric + a few drops of rose essential oil. Mix them well. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
For pretty hands and feet: Wash your hands and feet with warm water. Take 1 cup pomegranate juice + ½ a cup of soya flour + a few drops of fresh oil. Mix them well and make a paste. Apply on hands and feet. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off.
Body scrub
Take 4 heaped spoons of chickpea flour + 1 cup curd + 10 drops of lemon juice + a few drops of sandalwood oil. Apply it on your entire body and gently scrub every part of your body for 15 minutes. Take a shower
Body wrap
Puree the pulp of a very ripe papaya until it becomes a smooth paste, then add a few drops of sandalwood essential oil. Mix them well and spread it over your body. Wrap your body in a plastic sheet. Keep it on for 30 minutes and unwrap the plastic sheet. Take a shower in warm water.
Soothing body bath
Honey is well known for its body friendly properties. It is a natural humectant that helps maintain the skin's moisture. Here we are going to use it with a normal bath. This recipe will give you smooth, glowing skin.
Take ½ a cup of sea salt + 1 cup honey + 2 cups milk + 2 tablespoons baking soda + 1 cup boiling water + 10 drops exotica oil. Put sea salt and baking soda into your bathing tub. Put honey into the boiling water. Then add the honey water mixture and exotica oil to your bathing tub. Swirl water to blend all ingredients.