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Products of innovation

Being creative has a different meaning for Sandesh Sanjay Gade, a second-year engineering student of PESIT. He believes that creativity can be enhanced by using technology.

Sandesh, who has made more than 50 applications and software, is now set to increase the number. His passion for making applications or 'apps' has come a long way from the simple ones he used to make earlier.

"I started making applications and software almost five years ago. I have made over 50 of them and each one is different from the other," he says. His hobby requires immense concentration and Sandesh is more than happy to give up anything that comes in between him and his passion.

"I can work for days together. My hobby requires a lot of sacrifice and many a time, I have worked for hours without even realising how time has passed. But I don't mind it, it gives me great joy and satisfaction to see the end product," he says.

Some of the applications are unique and based on techniques which were used during World War II. "The first application I made was a basic scientific calculator for the Windows 98 operating system. Soon after that, I got into other fields like animation and game development. Since programming was one of my subjects in school, I had basic knowledge about the subject. I developed it by going through the Internet and talking to experts," he informs.

Sandesh was able to go deeper into the subject after meeting like-minded people. He also helped his friends by developing simple applications for them. "I started getting requests from my friends and relatives to develop software for them and that is how I learnt. Computer applications make life very easy and I feel I learn more every time I develop something," he adds.

It is a challenge for him to make these applications and software work. He makes sure that he does his homework well even if he has to read late in the night.

"I developed an application based on the 'Enigma Cipher Code' which was a coded security system used by the Germans to communicate among themselves during World War II. It was cracked by the Americans.

Back then, it was a mechanical process but I turned it into an application. The application uses my voice and analyses it, it then converts it into a text. A person can only access the security if his or her voice pattern is identified by the application," he explains.

'Front Desk' is another application that he has developed and is a great help for scheduling appointments at offices.

"One does not have to go to the log book and check the details. A person can schedule the appointment on this application and it will automate the process. My college has already started using this application and I will soon make it available in public domain so that people can develop it in their own way," he elucidates.

He is very proud about his self-sufficient robot, which can not only communicate with another robot, but also analyse the action of the other robot and live in harmony.

"I was very interested in robotics and went on to make a self-navigating robotic car with GPS. This car is automatic and can also be controlled through the Bluetooth device of my phone.

It can navigate on its own and make its own decision. It is different from the unmanned car as this car is either fully automatic or dependant," says Sandesh.
He goes on to say that his parents and teachers have supported him to a great
extent and he owes a lot to them.

"There have been times when I have thrown tantrums about wanting to have a hobby. My parents have been very patient and supportive and have always been there for me. My teachers have also encouraged and assisted me. I still have to master the art and have much to learn," he sums up.

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