Amitabh Bachchan turned 70 recently and director R Balki, who has delivered hits like Cheeni Kum and the national-award winning Paa with Big B, describes the Bollywood legend as a once-in-a-lifetime actor.
Balki also feels that Indian cinema is going through a special phase with the veteran actor.
"He is once-in-a-lifetime actor," Balki says, adding that such a multi-talented actor is a rarity.
"He is an icon. We are fortunate enough to be living in an era where people like him are there. And I don't think one will get to see another Amitabh Bachchan in the next 100 years.
I don't think it can happen," he adds.
"Besides his talent, hard work, his personality and his acting skills is a difficult combination to get all together. He is the heritage monument of India," he states.
Balki also feels that Indian cinema is going through a special phase with the veteran actor.
"He is once-in-a-lifetime actor," Balki says, adding that such a multi-talented actor is a rarity.
"He is an icon. We are fortunate enough to be living in an era where people like him are there. And I don't think one will get to see another Amitabh Bachchan in the next 100 years.
I don't think it can happen," he adds.
"Besides his talent, hard work, his personality and his acting skills is a difficult combination to get all together. He is the heritage monument of India," he states.