Offering a welcome break from the monotony and predictability of contemporary management fests, 'Virtuoso 2012', the annual management fest of St Joseph's College of Commerce, saw students really let their hair down and soak in the experience.
The volunteers said that the fest was designed to be an experience and was aimed to challenge the participants of various events in the domains of 'Marketing', 'Human Resources', 'Public Relations', 'Entrepreneurship', 'Business Quiz', 'Finance' and an exhilarating 'Best Manager' event.
A lot of importance was given to detailing at the fest. With a theme like 'Alice in Wonderland', decorations revolving around it were put up all over the campus and some of the students dressed up like the characters in the story. One could see the students wearing long hats, long whiskers and sport bright red lipstick.
Even the volunteers had customised tees and sweatshirts made for the fest with the symbol of Cheshire cat printed on these.
All the rounds in each of the event were based upon this theme. The participants were required to develop an indepth comprehension of the symbolism in the story, 'Alice in Wonderland', and apply it to modern-day business scenarios.
It was a challenge that the participants had never faced before. he fest also required participants to try their hand at film-making and understanding the dynamics of film production.
Participants were also required to master social media in an online event that was assessed on the basis of the maximum number of Facebook likes each college entry could attain within a time frame.
The overall winner of 'Virtuoso 2012' was Jain University - Centre for Management Studies.
The 'Best Manager' event was won by Sourabh Rander from Jain University - Centre for Management Studies. The group event was won by Mount Carmel College.
On the whole, all the participants felt that the fest had oodles of entertainment and spontaneity to the otherwise sombre and officious environment of a business fest.