Thinking skills underlie all our actions, and help us meet the challenges of life. In recent years, brain science has kept us informed of how children think and learn.
When we consciously teach thinking skills and help children 'learn how to learn', we ensure that learning gets wired into the brain architecture and is long-lasting. Thinking skills are endurable — they can be applied in every situation and context. They teach us how to remember and retrieve information, ask questions, plan and reason, make connections, solve problems creatively, and reflect on our learning.
Workshop objectives
- To understand the role of thinking skills in learning.
- To understand a few approaches and strategies that can be used to develop thinking skills.
- To see how thinking skills can be integrated into classroom teaching.
The workshop will be experiential and participatory, with reflection and group work.
It will be led by Bela Sood, who has been involved with teacher education in different contexts, at both the pre-school and primary level. She has looked at processes of whole school transformation, curriculum development, and leadership training. The workshop is open to pre-school and primary school teachers, as well as teacher educators.
Time and date: September 8, from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm at Ashirwad, lane opposite State Bank of India, St Marks Road.
Registration per participant is Rs 1,200, which must be paid by August 22, 2012. Accommodation is limited to only 25 participants. Confirmation is subject to receipt of payment. For details, call (080)25288545. E-mail: Address: Sutradhar, 59/1, 10 A Main, 3 Cross, Indiranagar Stage 2, Bangalore — 560038.