India's love with foreign models is a two-sided affair. What strikes you first about the foreign models is their height and flawless skin.
Leggy models are not only attractive but have the elan to carry off any garment. On the other hand, the foreign models like wearing the Indian garments and don't seem to mind the spicy food.
Cooking Indian food is also high on their agenda most of the time. Metrolife caught up with a few foreign models who walked the ramp in the City recently and asked them to share their experience of the Indian fashion, food and people.
These young girls make it a point to pick up Hindi in bits and pieces which they tend to use rather lavishly wherever they go. Carla Aciar from Brazil says she can handle the spice in Indian food, although she runs on a staple of dal and rice.
"That's a safer bet but garlic naan with paneer and chicken tikka are my all-time favourites. I don't experiment too much because falling sick is an issue when I am travelling," explains Carla.
However, she doesn't compromise on food, "I eat whatever I want and then burn it out with an extensive workout."
Patricia Goncalves from Russia largely sticks to salads but she eats anything in chicken. "What I am thrilled most about working in India is that I get to wear the best of Indian clothes. Back home fashion is very predictable and boring. Here it is the burst of colours that is exciting," says Patricia. She's quite unhappy that the fast-food culture has caught on with the young in India when there are other healthy things to snack on.
Snizhana Tanchuk from Ukraine has taken a liking to idli and sambar, rasam and dosa and chutney. "I've been feasting on all these dishes during my stint in
Bangalore. I dig into a Tuna sandwich only when I don't get any of my favourite Indian dishes," says Snizhana.
She's pretty fond of the sari and has bought one for herself. "Draping the sari gives me a high and surely all of the Indian clothes like the salwar kameez and ghagra choli
are a few that we don't get to wear anywhere else in the world," she beams.
She eats a lot of fruits and veggies to stay in shape and tries not to give into temptation when it comes to sweets and chocolates. Marcela from Ukraine
feels that Indian models, both male and female, put in a lot of effort to look good.
"Modelling is a serious business and I've managed to make a couple of Indian friends. What I like about India more than its clothes, is the professionalism with which things are managed," she signs off.